AI Automation Platform 2.0
Experience the next generation of AI automation
Transform your business with our comprehensive platform. Streamline workflows, enhance customer interactions, and drive growth with advanced AI capabilities.

How to Use Our Platform
Follow our comprehensive guide to integrate and customize AI automation features in your applications.
Project Setup
Set up your project with shadcn/ui, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript
Our platform is built with modern technologies to ensure a smooth development experience:
- shadcn/ui for beautiful, accessible components
- Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling
- TypeScript for type safety and better DX
Component Integration
Learn how to integrate and customize our React components
Our components are designed to be flexible and easy to integrate:
Video Dialog Example
Interactive video component with animations
Empty State Example
Customizable empty state component
No Data Available
Start by adding some content to your project
AI Features
Explore our AI capabilities and integration options
Our platform offers powerful AI features that can be easily integrated into your application:
Chat AI
Natural language conversations
Voice AI
Speech recognition and synthesis
Voice AI Demo
Click to try voice features
Content AI
Automated content generation
Generate Content
Create AI-powered content
Learn how to customize and extend platform features
Our platform is highly customizable to meet your specific needs:
Theme Customization
Customize colors, typography, and more
Component Extensions
Extend and modify existing components
Custom Components
Create your own component variations